The Road and PTSD

I find it very interesting that even though the man and the boy in The Road have experienced a very significant amount of trauma, they do not display the typical symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that are highlighted in this article.  I would attribute this to the fact that it would be hard to… Continue reading The Road and PTSD

The Hair Salon

When we were originally assigned this topic for our blog post I had a lot of ideas about where I wanted to go. First I thought that I wanted to go to the mall and just walk around, but then I decided that there would be too much going on and I would not be… Continue reading The Hair Salon

Similarities and Differences Between the Beginnings of White Noise and Lucifer’s HammerW

There are many similarities and differences within the introductions of Don DeLillo’s White Noise and Lucifer’s Hammer.  While both are novels about some sort of disaster, they take a very different approach when introducing their characters and setting the scenes for the stories.  Lucifer’s Hammer had several main characters that are rapidly introduced from the very first… Continue reading Similarities and Differences Between the Beginnings of White Noise and Lucifer’s HammerW

Categorized as Reflections


Since reading this novel I have noticed a significant amount of words being repeated, but one word that stood out to me is “red”.  It is used 49 times throughout the novel to describe many different objects or situations.  One of the ways that “red” is used is to convey warning signs, both before and… Continue reading “Red”

Personal Ad for Johnny Baker

Before Hammerfall: I am a hardworking, important man looking for a woman who is willing to accommodate a man with a demanding schedule. I am looking for an independent woman of fairly high stature and impressive reputation. Independence is key because I need a woman who is just as busy and distracted as I am… Continue reading Personal Ad for Johnny Baker

Categorized as Reflections