The Road Script

THE ROAD   Written by Cormac McCarthy   November, 2009 Fade in EXT.  CROSSROADS- MAN AND BOY Camera goes with boy BOY Boy kneels on grass with a cup of water.  CLOSE UP SHOT OF MAN MAN Wheezing, squeezes boy’s hand. CUTAWAY TO BOY BOY Tears are streaming down boys face.  You’re going to be… Continue reading The Road Script

Airport Parking Lot

My cousin is getting married in London over the weekend.  Today is my flight.  The cars furiously honked at each other in the jammed parking lot of Dulles International Airport.  The sound of the tires squealing as people realized they needed to hit the brakes to avoid collision echoed in the polluted air.  The tires emitted a… Continue reading Airport Parking Lot

LH and WN

Some differences I noticed between Lucifer’s Hammer and White Noise were firstly, that White Noise is told in the first person perspective.  After being inside so many people’s heads and constantly being bombarded with changes in perspective in Lucifer’s Hammer, I have to say, this first person perspective was refreshing.  Another thing that I noticed was… Continue reading LH and WN

Categorized as Reflections

Lucifer’s Hammer – Kipling and some final words on gender/tech

I can’t remember if we discussed this in class or not, but there are numerous references to Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book, Kim, etc. in this book.  Harvey’s dog, who dies after Hammerfall, is named Kipling: “Kipling greeted him tail-thumping joy, and he rubbed the German Shepherd’s ears absently as he opened the… Continue reading Lucifer’s Hammer – Kipling and some final words on gender/tech

Categorized as Reflections

The word “smooth” in Lucifer’s Hammer

A word implying a texture that is repeated in multiple places throughout the novel is the word smooth.  This word is used with different characters in different settings.  Sometimes it is referring directly to the characters themselves, while at other times, the word is describing a character’s surroundings.  The word smooth is used 11 times in… Continue reading The word “smooth” in Lucifer’s Hammer

Lucifer’s Hammer

Throughout the story, the comet that Tim Hamner discovers is known by many different names.  Some of the names are Hammerfall, The Hammer, Hamner-Brown comet, Hammer of God, and Lucifer’s Hammer.  I find it interesting that among all those names that the authors mention in the story, the one they used for their title was… Continue reading Lucifer’s Hammer

Categorized as Reflections