Messages in the Mundane

DeLillo writes, while Jack Gladney and his family are shopping in a busy supermarket, that “I realized that the place was awah in noise…and over it all, or under it all, a dull and unlocatable roar, as of some form of swarming life just outside the range of human apprehension” (36). Four our class assignment, I shared a similar experience. I decided to grab a cup of coffee in Jazzman’s Cafe at ten o’clock on a thursday morning. The cafe was busy as usual with the constant stream of George Mason students trickling in and out with their cappuccinos, caramel lattes, breakfast foods, and other morning treats. The place was similar to the scene in the supermarket in that the place was also “awash in noise.” The sounds and smells of fresh brewed coffee and foam machines filled the atmosphere. It’s making me crave coffee simply by thinking about it. As I sit at my little table drinking my latte, I see various people talking on their cell phones and chatting with friends. The order line is extending the entire length of the cafe. Underneath all the commotion, there is in fact an “unlocatable roar.” I think that this roar signifies the sounds of the everyday but also it maybe signifies the human subconcious trying to break through the noises of the everyday so that it can be heard. The messages that I see when I look around the cafe are that of people who are just waking up to go to classes and stopping quickly to get their morning caffeine fix. Others take their time, talking to friends and putting sugar in their drinks. People sit down at the small tables with their lap tops and try desperately to get work done despite the long line of people and the constant noise. Overall, I think these messages just reveal people’s personalites and how they interact with the everyday.