The Innate Scientist in All of Us

We live. We search. We constantly strive to become something more, something new, or simply just something better than what we may be at the time. It’s human nature to wish for change, let alone to justly understand that change is an inevitable thing that comes to all human beings, much like death. The character… Continue reading The Innate Scientist in All of Us

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun

While watching an episode of family guy the other day, I stumbled upon this clip: I immediately found it’s relevancy to White Noise. Throughout the novel, we see—several times—almost this same exact scene occurring between Jack and Babette.  In the video we see Hitler and Braun almost playing a game in order to see who… Continue reading Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun

The Waves of Radiation and The Smell of Existentialism

The Waves of Radiation and The Smell of Existentialism -“Everything is concealed in symbolism, hidden by veils of mystery and layers of cultural material. But it is psychic data, absolutely. The large doors slide open, they close unbidden. Energy waves, incident radiation (Delillo 37).” —     Murray Jay Sinkind. This quote I believe ultimately sums up… Continue reading The Waves of Radiation and The Smell of Existentialism

Categorized as Reflections

Slavery = Prisoners of War, Or Slavery ≠ Prisoners of War

The slavery of African-Americans cannot be compared to the slavery that was proposed in Lucifer’s Hammer after the Brotherhood had fallen. Some might say that slavery is slavery any way you slice it. I will argue that with the simplest of ease. The situation that occurred in the plot of this novel was extraordinary, catastrophic,… Continue reading Slavery = Prisoners of War, Or Slavery ≠ Prisoners of War

The “Chunk(s)” of Degradation

A chunk, of something, chunky peanut butter, a chunky person; the word chunk can be used in many a’ context. Comfortably, the word “chunky” in Lucifer’s Hammer is usually referenced in terms to the comet, Hamner-Brown, or some damage that has occurred in the storyline due to this comet hitting the earth.    Comets are massive… Continue reading The “Chunk(s)” of Degradation